My project speaks about war in the language of icons. The reinterpretation of Orthodox iconography calls for the softening of the hearts of warring nations, reflecting the pain, loss, sorrow, and fear that arose with the escalation of military actions in 2022. Only by acknowledging the disasters of war can we emerge from it.
Softener of Evil Hearts.
The icon of the blessed
Seven-shot Artist

The work is a non-canonical image inspired by the Orthodox icon Softener of Evil Hearts. According to Orthodox tradition, the icon depicts Madonna with her head covered and seven swords stuck in her heart. The number seven denotes the fullness of grief, sadness, and heartache. Standing before the icon, believers ask for reconciliation of adversaries, deliverance from cruelty and war.

During the opening days of the 59th International Art Exhibition in Venice, the painting was presented at Padiglione Morto ( refers to the to the Russian Pavilion which was absent in 2022.)
More here
These works are parts of a future installation — a pseudo-ambo. Among the parts are crying angels, adorned with the colors of the Russian and Ukrainian flags. 7 lifeless sons of God, creating either a repeating pattern or something resembling a glitch. Hands inspired by the gesture of grief of the Virgin Mary. Eyes with tears. Draperies filled with blood. Gold and arterial-colored paint. Victims, fallen souls, and an infinite, almost transcendent state of sorrow.
"Harrowing the Hell," oil on wood, gold.

Inspired by traditional icons and depiction of the hell.
At the bottom of the artwork is a code, in gold in a numerological style reminiscent of the era preceding Peter the Great. This is a date of the beginning of the war. This choice emphasizes the historical context , and societal fears to speak openly.
Sanguine hue and golden oil
Gold, oil on wood
I create my artworks primary with digital tools, then I gild the wood with golden leaves and handpaint the rest.
Support the project with an article, an interview or an exhibition space, and get one of the reproductions, printed on a golden paper.

You can request one of my icons on demand:
37*52 cm — 333 000 HUF
31*23 cm — 280 000 HUF
decoupage technique — 150 000 HUF
© 2020
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